
S라인은 못 봤어요;;;

또자쿨쿨 2010. 2. 2. 09:34

지난주말에 순천만에 다녀왔습니다
친척 결혼식이 있어서 부모님을 모시고 갔다가 잠시 들렀습니다.
전망대까지 못가서 S라인을 보고오진 못했습니다.. 날도 흐렸고... 춈 많이 아쉽다는;;;;

I have been to Soon cheon last weekend b/c my relative's wedding there.
Soon cheon is so far away from my home so we had to go early.
After the wedding we went to look around here and there. But weather was little bit cold and cloudy so we should came back.