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You drink like a fish It's the first time for us to drink togther. 우리 같이 술 마시는 거 처음이네? This is nice! So, What do you want to drink? 좋다. ^^^;; 어떤 술로 할래? I prefer so-ju. 난 소주가 좋아. Realley? Are you a good drinker? 정말? 너 술 잘 마시냐? You will see. 보면 알아. (After drinking 4 bottles of so-ju) 4병을 해치우고나서.. Wow! You drink like a fish. 와~!!! 아주 그냥 퍼마시는구나.. -_ -;;;; 더보기
I feel like I have butterfilies in my stomach. Are you nervous? 너 떨고있냐? I can't say "no". It's a camera audition. ㅇㅇ. 사진테스트자너.. I feel like I have butterfilies in my stomach. 긴장돼. Hey, men! That's not like you. 야, 너 답지않게 왜그래. You've always been so natural in front of the camera. 카메라 앞에서 잘 해왔잖아. Don't be nervous. 긴장하지마.. 참 이상한 그네들의 말입니다... 저걸 '긴장돼'로 해석해야하다니요.. ---;;; 더보기
You can make up your mind quick enough. Maxim, Have you decided the venue of the party? 막심, 파티장소 결정했냐? We have just one more week the party day. 우리 일주일밖에 안남았어. Oh, Not yet. Buddy. 아니, 아직. Oh, No way! It's kind of urgent. 헉! 이거 급해~! You can make up your mind quick enough. 아,놔,,, 쫌 빨라 결정하믄 안되겠냐? =========================================== make up one's mind : 결심하다 더보기
You don't have to ask Craig, What do you think? 크레이그, 니 생각은 어때? Can she make it to the deadline? 올가씨 마감시간 맞출 수 있겠냐? No worries. You don't have to ask. 걱정 붙들어매. 묻지도 따질 것도 없어. Olga has always been a punctual person. 올가는 여태 칼같이 해왔잖아. I hope you're right. 니 말이 맞아야할텐데.. 더보기
Don't you care about me? How does it taste? 음식은 좀 어떤가요? It's wonderfull. How about yours? 좋아요. 그쪽 음식은 어떤가요? It's also fantastic and what about salad. 이것도 쵝오네요. 샐러드도요.. Listen! Don't you care about me? 야, 너 나한테 관심 없지? 더보기
We are short of money Kate, Can I borrow some money? I'm broke again. 케이트, 돈좀 줘. 다 떨어졌어. Eric, You borrowed some just the before yesterday. 에릭, 엊그제 돈 가져갔자너. These days, I take taxis to work. That's why. 요즘, 회사에 택시타고 다녀서 그래. Then, You'd better get up earlier and take a bus. 그럼, 일찍 일어나서 버스 타고 다녀. We are short of moeny this month. 이번달에 돈 없어. ------------------------------------------------ be broken 뭔가 가 고장나다. break up .. 더보기
Count me in Are you guys going out for drink tonight? 너네 오늘 술 마시러가냐? If so, count me in. 그러면, 나도 껴줘. Ok, Join us! 좋아, 껴. I found a nice place recently. 최근에 쫌 괜찮은 곳을 발견했어. Why don't we go there? 거기 가자. -------------------------------- Count me out. 나는 빼줘~ 더보기