What present did you get from your parents for your birthday?
니 생일 선물에 부모님이 어떤 선물 주셨어?
My dad bought me a big suitcase and my mom bought me a job interview guide book.
아빠는 큰 여행가방, 엄마는 면접안내책.
Ha, ha, ha! That means that they want you to leave home soon. Doesn't it?
하하하. 그건 니가 곧 집을 떠나 독립하길 바라시는 거구나. 그렇지?
You're probably right.
ㅇㅇ 그런 것 같아.
I guess it is about time. I'm already 20 years old.
때가 된 것 같아. 나도 벌써 20살이나 ㅠㅠㅠ.
니 생일 선물에 부모님이 어떤 선물 주셨어?
My dad bought me a big suitcase and my mom bought me a job interview guide book.
아빠는 큰 여행가방, 엄마는 면접안내책.
Ha, ha, ha! That means that they want you to leave home soon. Doesn't it?
하하하. 그건 니가 곧 집을 떠나 독립하길 바라시는 거구나. 그렇지?
You're probably right.
ㅇㅇ 그런 것 같아.
I guess it is about time. I'm already 20 years old.
때가 된 것 같아. 나도 벌써 20살이나 ㅠㅠㅠ.