Hi, there!
I'm running a special search website for bloggers.
It is just possible to search registered blog by me.
Here is my search website : http://www.ontown.net
It will be make more S.korean visitors to your blog site.
If you have a blogsite, request addinging your own site here.
-> How to
1. Click this : http://ddoza.tistory.com/guestbook
2. Type your blog's informations :
Like this :
* Caution : I have no adult categories. *
***** Categories *****
여행&해외 = travel & abroad
사진 = Photographs
IT&디지털 = IT&digital
자동차&레이싱걸 = Auto
레져&아웃도어 = leisure&out door
책&리뷰 = book&review
요리&맛집 = cook&restaurant
영화&드라마 = movie&drama
예술&음악 = Art&music
유머 = humor
금융&부동산 = finance&realestate
역사&군사 = history&army
만화&애니메이션 = cartoon&animation
뉴스&미디어 = news&media
정치&사회 = politics&society
게임&취미 = game&hobby
연예&스포츠 = entertainment&sports
비지니스 = business
교육&언어 = education&language
동물&식물 = animal&plant
패션,뷰티&쇼핑 = fashion,beauty&shopping
건강&생활 = health&life
일상 = every day
컴퓨터&인터넷 = computer&internet
생각&말말말 = Thinking&speacking
육아&가정 = childcare&home
I'm running a special search website for bloggers.
It is just possible to search registered blog by me.
Here is my search website : http://www.ontown.net
It will be make more S.korean visitors to your blog site.
If you have a blogsite, request addinging your own site here.
-> How to
1. Click this : http://ddoza.tistory.com/guestbook
2. Type your blog's informations :
Like this :
Blog title : Book Blog
Category : 책&리뷰 (Book&review)
Search Keyword : Mobile book movie etc.
About blog : Many book's information is in my blogs.
Address : http://www.yourblog.com
RSS : http://www.yourblog.com/rss
* Caution : I have no adult categories. *
***** Categories *****
여행&해외 = travel & abroad
사진 = Photographs
IT&디지털 = IT&digital
자동차&레이싱걸 = Auto
레져&아웃도어 = leisure&out door
책&리뷰 = book&review
요리&맛집 = cook&restaurant
영화&드라마 = movie&drama
예술&음악 = Art&music
유머 = humor
금융&부동산 = finance&realestate
역사&군사 = history&army
만화&애니메이션 = cartoon&animation
뉴스&미디어 = news&media
정치&사회 = politics&society
게임&취미 = game&hobby
연예&스포츠 = entertainment&sports
비지니스 = business
교육&언어 = education&language
동물&식물 = animal&plant
패션,뷰티&쇼핑 = fashion,beauty&shopping
건강&생활 = health&life
일상 = every day
컴퓨터&인터넷 = computer&internet
생각&말말말 = Thinking&speacking
육아&가정 = childcare&home